

Church of the Beatitudes

Church of the Beatitudes (pilgrim site)

Coordinates:  32°52’51.09″N 35°33’20.85″E / Elevation: -620

DSC07816BeatitudesNo one knows for sure where Jesus gave His “Sermon on the Mount,” but Mount Eremos (the name of the place we’re visiting) has been a pilgrim site for over 1600 years.  The site, a sloping hill that ends near the Cove of the Sower in the sea of Galilee, fits the criteria for both Matthew 5-7 and Luke 6, as well as the story of Jesus preaching from a boat in Mark 4. The place is a natural amphitheater with excellent acoustics that could easily hold 7000 people.  A Byzantine church occupied the site from the 4th to the 7th century.  The current chapel at the site was built by Franciscan Sisters, with funds from the Italian government under the direction of Benito Mussolini, in 1938.

View the Gallery of the Church of Beatitudes here:

Church of Beatitudes

Categories: Locations

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