Category: Locations



  Hebrew: Qesarya, Keisarya / Arabic: Kaisariyeh / Bible: Caesarea Coordinates: 32°29′55″N 34°53′29″E /  Elevation: 15 Caesarea was an important port in New Testament times, with a city that rivaled any in the […]

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Word at Caesarea


The Word at Caesarea: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear Him and do what is right.” -the Apostle […]

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Ginosaur/Sea of Galilee


Ginosar and the First Century Boat   (historical artifact / museum)   Coordinates:  32°50′51.35″N 35°31′22.43″E / Elevation -680     In 1986, brothers Moshe and Yuval Lufan walked the shores of Galilee in […]

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Word at Ginosar


The Word at Ginosar: Again Jesus began to teach by the lake.  The crowd that gathered round him was so large that he got into a boat and sat in it out on […]

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Hebrew: Kfar Nachum / Arabic Name: Talhum Coordinates 32°52′52″N 35°34′30″E / Elevation Capernaum, which means “town of Nahum” in Hebrew, figures prominently in the New Testament, being the base of operation for Jesus […]

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Word at Capernaum


The Word at Capernaum: “The work of God is this: to trust in the One He has sent.” – Jesus, to the people in Capernaum who had just asked, “What must we do […]

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Church of the Beatitudes


Church of the Beatitudes (pilgrim site) Coordinates:  32°52’51.09″N 35°33’20.85″E / Elevation: -620 No one knows for sure where Jesus gave His “Sermon on the Mount,” but Mount Eremos (the name of the place […]

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Megiddo National Park


Hebrew: Tel Megido  /  Arabic: Tell al-Mutesellim / Bible:  Megiddo; Har Megiddo (Armageddon) Coordinates:  32°35′4.64″N 35°11′0.58″E /  Elevation: +510   Megiddo overlooks the Plain of Esdraelon on the southeastern slope of the Carmel […]

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Word at Megiddo


The Word at Megiddo: “But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land, those you allow to remain will become barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides.  They […]

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  Hebrew: Nazerat  / Arabic: an-Nasira   Coordinates: 32°42′07″N, 35°18′12″E / Elevation: +1117     Nazareth has come a long way since the days as a quiet Jewish village in Roman-ruled Galilee… According […]

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Korazim National Park


Chorazin (archaeological site) Hebrew:  Korazim, Kerazeth Coordinates: 32°54′41″N 35°33′50″E / Elevation: +186   Both Matthew and Luke record Chorazin as one of the three cities in which Jesus taught and performed mighty miracles but […]

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Word at Korizim


The word at Chorazin: 13 “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida!  For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long […]

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Tel Dan


Hebrew: tel Dan / Arabic: Tel el-Qadi Coordinates: 33°14′56.4″N 35°39′7.2″E  / Elevation  +660f Originally, the tribe of Dan was alloted land on the Plain of Philistia but did not fully occupy the land […]

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Word at Tel Dan


The Word at Dan: 6 During the reign of King Josiah, the Lord said to me, “Have you seen what faithless Israel has done?  She has gone up on every high hill and under […]

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Banias/Caesarea Philippi


Hebrew: Banias / Arabic: Banyas Coordinates: 33°14′55″N, 35°41′40″E /  Elevation: +1286f Banias is named for the Greek god Pan who was worshiped at this site during Hellenistic and Roman times.  The main feature […]

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Word at Banias


The Word at Banias:  When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?”  They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; […]

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Kursi National Park Coordinates: 32°49′33″N, 35°39′01″E / Elevation: -660 The ruins of the monastery at Kursi were discovered by road crews in the early 1970’s.  Excavations from 1971-1974 date the monastery to the […]

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Word at Kursi


The Word at Kursi: The man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying, “Return home and tell how much God has done […]

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Bet She’an


Hebrew: Beit She’an / Arabic:Bayit S’an, Beisan Coordinates: 32°30′00″N, 35°30′00″E /  Elevation: -370 Beit Shean is one of those “Wow!” kind of places.  Primarily hidden from view until one passes through the gates […]

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Word at Bet She’an


The Word at Beit She’an:   The next day, when the Philistines came to strip the dead, they found Saul and his three sons fallen on Mount Gilboa. They cut off his head and […]

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Jordan River


Qasr al-Yahud (pilgrim site) Arabic:  Al Maghtas Coordinates:  31°50’13.38″N 35°32’46.69″E / Elevation: -1271ft (-387m) Known in Arabic as Al Maghtas (“the place of baptism”), this area is generally believed to be near the […]

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Word at the Jordan


The Word at the Jordan (Qasr al-Yahud): 19 Now this was John’s testimony when the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask him who he was.  20 He did not fail to […]

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Hebrew: Yericho / Arabic: ‘Ariha Coordinates: 31°51′N, 35°27′E / Elevation: -258 metres (-846 ft) Jericho is often described as the oldest continuously occupied city in the world, where archaeologic evidence of more than […]

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Word at Jericho


The Word at Jericho: The seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded the army, “Shout! For the Lord has given you the city!  – Joshua 6:16

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Hebrew: Metzada Coordinates: 31°18′56″N, 35°21′14″E.  Elevation: +190 For Israelis, the cry, “Masada, never again!” has the same historical-emotional impact that  “Remember the Alamo!” has for Americans.  Both represent a heroic stand against vastly […]

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